
We have three levels of iconography that build in complexity to suit every application need.

Iconography is an important aspect of design that involves the use of visual symbols to communicate ideas, features, and functions to users. Icons help users easily navigate complex interfaces to understand the purpose of different elements in an array of formats. They are simple yet powerful.

Discovery Education has distinct, tailor-made sets of iconography that are an essential part of design. These help make our product and marketing more user-friendly, intuitive, and visually appealing. They are easy to understand and consistent with the overall design language and help users interact with products.


User Interface iconography, Stickers, and Ideograms are all visual representations used to convey meaning and facilitate communication. However, there are some differences.


Stickers are visually prominent and eye-catching, emphasizing their importance within the user interface or design composition. They’re strategically placed to draw the user’s attention to them.


Ideograms can represent a wide range of meanings and concepts, including abstract or complex ideas. They are not limited to representing specific functions or actions like UI icons.


User Interface iconography is primarily used in digital interfaces to represent specific actions, objects, or concepts. Icons are designed to be easily recognizable and provide visual cues for users to interact with the interface.





Iconography currently has 4 primary sizing variants that tie to System Icons, while anything greater than 40px begins the transition to Ideograms. Ideograms are sized from 48px to 96px.


Iconography color should be approached with thoughtful consideration, as it plays a crucial role in conveying meaning and enhancing the user experience. The color selection should align with the overall design scheme and the intended emotional, informational, and interactivity context.


Modifiers help direct users to a specific need. This could be sending a message, deleting a message, etc. Modifiers help by serving a message of action. Generally, Modifiers can pair with icons with vector spacing in accordance with any variation of an icon.

Squint Balance

Squint Balancing is a trick to make sure the overall visual weight of the iconography set is accurate and creates unity. To use this method, squint your eyes to see if the icon fits in visually with other icons, or use the Layer Blur technic to see if they match accurately.




An Ideogram is a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept, rather than a particular word or sound. Ideograms are often used in writing systems that are based on logographs or pictographs, where each symbol represents a whole word or idea.

Ideograms can be very powerful communication tools because they can convey complex ideas in a simple and visually appealing way. They can be used to represent anything from objects and abstract concepts, to emotions and actions. 

 K-2 Style

The ideogram style for K-2 is “hand-painted” and it is raster.
This creates a child-friendly look and feel.

 3-5 Style

The ideogram style for 3-5 is a bit more 3D and it is vector.
This creates a more mature, but still kid-friendly, look and feel.

Ideogram Differences

We have two different visual aspects of Ideograms. One (first visual above) is dedicated to the use of Grades K-2 to target younger users and the other (second visual above) is dedicated to the use of Grades 3-5 grade to target our middle-grade users.

These visual differences create tailored experiences for the two grade bands with changing emphasis on playfulness and maturity.

The two sets below are in the Earth Science color palette and come in a variety of other color palettes.

Grades K-2

The style for K-2 is raster with a soft hand-drawn feel.


Hands-On Activity

Reading Passage



Claim Evidence Reasoning


Real World Phenomenon

Read Together

Grades 3-5

The style for 3-5 is vector with black outlines.

Claim Evidence Reasoning


Hands-On Activity


Real World Phenomenon

Read Together


Reading Passage

Examples of Iconography Usage in Product: