
The vivid colors of our products are layered over muted UI tones in order to push learning content and actions to the front of a complex digital product.

Our Color Palettes

Brand Blue

Our Interactive Blue has roots in the Discovery Education Brand Blue and is the color that indicates any interactions on a page. This color emphasizes importance in our user interface.

This blue is a refresh of the Discovery Education historical color. Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant blue of Primary 700 in graphic design. However, for accessibility of text and CTA’s we must fall back on Primary 800.

Disco, an important and beloved DE Character, is accented with the Brand Blue color. This pushes the color to the forefront of many designs.

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-100
Hex: #F0F9FF
RGB: 240 | 249 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-200
Hex: #DBF0FF
RGB: 219 | 240 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-300
Hex: #D1EBFF
RGB: 209 | 235 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-400
Hex: #9ED5FF
RGB: 158 | 213 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-500
Hex: #6BBFFF
RGB: 107 | 191 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-600
Hex: #
56 | 169 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-700
Hex: #
5 | 147 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-800
Hex: #
0 | 119 | 209

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-900
x: #005A9E
RGB: 0 | 90 | 158

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-1000
Hex: #
0 | 61 | 107

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interactive-1100
Hex: #
0 | 32 | 56

Platform Interactive Blue

We use Platform Interactive to indicate distinct and clear visual cues to the user that an element can be clicked or tapped.
Platform Interactive evokes the feeling of our DE brand blue and is one shade down from Brand Blue - as you can see on the chart above (Primary 800).

Below is an example of Platform Interactive Blue in use on a Search page.

Platform Interactive Blue Gradient

The Platform Interactive Blue Gradient represents the Platform Primary colors. It comes in both computer-generated gradient and hand-painted textures.

Platform Interactive Blue




Card Example

On this card there is one action we want the user to take - to select the ellipses and open the menu of options to interact with the card’s content. For this reason, it is colored with Platform Interactive Blue.

Interactive Color Examples

The key actions to take are colored in Platform Interactive Blue. These are the ellipses, arrow, and button.

Our Neutrals

For UI elements on our Platform, we intentionally keep our colors neutral. We use various tints and shades of black and muted blue.

The black and muted blue keep things as neutral as possible so that the vivid colors and exciting content can shine and don’t compete with the user interface needed to navigate them.

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-100
Hex: #F9FAFB
RGB: 249 | 250 | 251

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-200
Hex: #F0F4F5
RGB: 240 | 244 | 245

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-300
Hex: #E0E8EB
RGB: 224 | 232 | 235

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-400
Hex: #C1D1D7
RGB: 193 | 209 | 215

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-500
Hex: #A2BBC3
RGB: 206 | 251 | 203

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-600
Hex: #83A4AF
RGB: 131 | 164 | 175

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-700
Hex: #648D9B
RGB: 100 | 141 | 155

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-800
Hex: #50717C
RGB: 80 | 113 | 124

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-900
Hex: #3C555D
RGB: 60 | 85 | 93

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-1000
Hex: #28393E
RGB: 40 | 57 | 62

Token: $nebula-color-platform-interface-1100
Hex: #141C1F
RGB: 20 | 28 | 31

Platform Interface

Platform Interface colors provide muted tones to create the main elements of the user interface.

Token: $nebula-color-platform-white
RGB: 255 | 255 | 255

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-100
RGB: 250 | 250 | 250

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-200
Hex: #F0F0F0
RGB: 240 | 240 | 240

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-300
Hex: #D6D6D6
RGB: 214 | 214 | 214

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-400
RGB: 189 | 189 | 189

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-500
Hex: #A3A3A3
RGB: 163 | 163 | 163

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-600
Hex: #8A8A8A
RGB: 138 | 138 | 138

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-700
Hex: #707070
RGB: 112 | 112 | 112

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-800
Hex: #575757
RGB: 87 | 87 | 87

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-900
Hex: #3D3D3D
RGB: 61 | 61 | 61

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-1000
Hex: #242424
RGB: 36 | 36 | 36

Token: $nebula-color-platform-neutral-1100
Hex: #0A0A0A
RGB: 10 | 10 | 10

Token: $nebula-color-platform-black
Hex: #000000
RGB: 0 | 0 | 0

Platform Neutral

We primarily use Platform Neutral colors in aspects of Typography and wire-framing prospective ideas.

Platform Neutral Gradient

The Platform Neutral Gradient represents the Platform Primary colors. It comes in both computer-generated gradient and hand painted textures.

Platform Neutral Gradient 1




Typography Colors

As a general rule, we use Platform Neutral 900 for headers and Platform Neutral 800 for body copy. You can read more about Typography and color in the Typography section of our Brand Book.

Platform Interface Examples

In the three examples above you can see how Platform Interface is used to construct the interface elements, but not indicate interaction.

Examples of Platform Colors in Product:


The subject matter of Science is represented primarily by a green color palette. The primary Science Green should take up about 70% of most layouts with the secondary colors being 30%. Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant green of Primary 300 in our graphic design, but for accessibility of text and CTA’s we must fall back on Primary 500.

The secondary colors for science are blue to blue-green colors.

Token: $nebula-color-science-primary-100
RGB: 206 | 251 | 203

Token: $nebula-color-science-primary-200
Hex: #74F36D
RGB: 116 | 243 | 109

Token: $nebula-color-science-primary-300
Hex: #1EE713
RGB: 30 | 231 | 19

Token: $nebula-color-science-primary-400
Hex: #18B80F
RGB: 24 | 184 | 15

Token: $nebula-color-science-primary-500
Hex: #12880B
RGB: 18 | 136 | 11

Token: $nebula-color-science-primary-600
Hex: #0C5907
RGB: 12 | 89 | 7

Science Green- Primary

One green is “pulled out” from the larger spectrum of primary colors available to use. This green represents what we want our user to “think of” when they think of Science.

Token: $nebula-color-science-secondary-200
Hex: #2EB7BF
Pantone: 631 C
RGB: 46| 183 | 191

Token: $nebula-color-science-secondary-300
Hex: #037FC5
Pantone: 285 C
RGB: 3 | 127 | 197

Token: $nebula-color-science-secondary-100
Hex: #94F0DF
Pantone: 7471 C
RGB: 148 | 240 | 223

Science Secondary

The Science Secondary color palette should make up around 30% of any layout you are working on for Science related subject matter.

Science Gradients

The three Science Gradients represent the Science Primary, Primary and Secondary combined, and Secondary color palettes. They come in both computer-generated gradient and hand painted textures.

Science Gradient 1




Science Gradient 2




Science Gradient 3




Preview Thumbnails

In the above example you can see the Science Gradient 1 used for the background of a Science Lesson Card. This reinforces that it is a Science lesson at a quick glance before reading the card.

Science Color Examples

The above examples show off our Science color palette in use with the icon for the AR app Sandbox and the UI for our Science Interactive games within the DE app.

Examples of Science Colors in Product:

Social Studies

The subject matter of Social Studies is represented primarily by an orange color palette. The secondary colors for social studies are a set of vivid oranges. The secondary colors for science are a set of vivid oranges.
Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant orange of Primary 500 in our graphic design, but for accessibility of text and CTA’s we must fall back on Primary 600.

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-primary-100
Hex: #FFE2D1
RGB: 255 | 226 | 209

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-primary-200
Hex: #FFC19E
RGB: 255 | 193 | 158

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-primary-300
Hex: #FFA06B
RGB: 255 | 160 | 107

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-primary-400
Hex: #FF8038
RGB: 24 | 128 | 56

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-primary-500
Hex: #FF5F05
RGB: 255 | 95 | 5

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-primary-600
Hex: #9E3900
RGB: 158 | 57 | 0

Social Studies Orange- Primary

One orange is “pulled out” from the larger spectrum of primary colors available to use. This orange represents what we want our user to “think of” when they think of Social Studies.

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-secondary-200
Hex: #CEEE07
RGB: 206| 238 | 7

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-secondary-300
Hex: #A2BD05
RGB: 162 | 189 | 5

Token: $nebula-color-social-studies-secondary-100
Hex: #EAFC83
RGB: 234 | 252 | 131

Social Studies Secondary

The Social Studies Secondary color palette should make up around 30% of any layout you are working on for Social Studies related subject matter.

Social Studies Gradients

The three Social Studies Gradients represent the Social Studies Primary, Primary and Secondary combined, and Secondary color palettes. They come in both computer-generated gradient and hand painted textures.

Social Studies Gradient 1




Social Studies Gradient 2




Social Studies Gradient 3




Preview Thumbnails

In the above example you can see the Social Studies Gradient 1 used in the background shape on the card thumbnail for a Social Studies lesson and the neon green used in the torn paper highlighting the appropriate grades.

Social Studies Color Examples

The text bubble above uses the Social Studies Secondary color palette with a green paper texture. Below it are two Social Studies ideograms that utilize the full color palette with the majority orange and a pop of the secondary color, neon green.

Examples of the Social Studies Color Palette in Product:


The subject matter of Math is represented primarily by a violet color palette. The secondary colors for math are a set of fuchsia and pinks.

Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant violet of Primary 400 in our graphic design as the main color to represent Math.

Token: $nebula-color-math-primary-100
Hex: #C0A4F4
RGB: 192 | 164 | 244

Token: $nebula-color-math-primary-200
Hex: #A077EE
RGB: 160 | 119 | 238

Token: $nebula-color-math-primary-300
Hex: #814AE8
RGB: 179 | 74 | 232

Token: $nebula-color-math-primary-400
Hex: #611DE2
RGB: 97 | 29 | 226

Token: $nebula-color-math-primary-500
Hex: #4E17B5
RGB: 78 | 23 | 181

Token: $nebula-color-math-primary-600
Hex: #270B5A
RGB: 39 | 11 | 90

Math Violet- Primary

One violet is “pulled out” from the larger spectrum of primary colors available to use. This violet represents what we want our user to “think of” when they think of Math.

Token: $nebula-color-math-secondary-200
Hex: #FA5CA8
RGB: 250| 92 | 168

Token: $nebula-color-math-secondary-300
Hex: #F82289
RGB: 248 | 34 | 137

Token: $nebula-color-math-secondary-100
Hex: #FCA6CF
RGB: 252 | 166 | 207

Math Secondary

The Math Secondary color palette should make up around 30% of any layout you are working on for Math related subject matter.

Math Gradients

The three Math Gradients represent the Math Primary, Primary and Secondary combined, and Secondary color palettes. They come in both computer generated gradient and hand painted textures.

Math Gradient 1




Math Gradient 2




Math Gradient 3




Math Lesson Card

In the above example you can see Math Gradient 1 used in the background on the card thumbnail for a Math lesson and Math Primary color used in the icon sticker.

Math Techbook Curriculum Tile and Neons

Curriculum Tiles live on the homepage of our platform and lead to each separate product. Here are the violet Math tile and Math-colored Neon Elements.


The subject matter of STEM is represented primarily by a teal color palette. The secondary colors for STEM are a set of yellows.
Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant teal of Primary 400 in our graphic design as the main color to represent STEM, but for accessibility of text and CTA’s we must fall back on Primary 500.

Token: $nebula-color-stem-100
Hex: #B1E7DD
RGB: 177 | 231 | 221

Token: $nebula-color-stem-200
Hex: #89DCCD
RGB: 137 | 220 | 205

Token: $nebula-color-stem-300
Hex: #62D0BC
RGB: 98 | 208 | 188

Token: $nebula-color-stem-400
Hex: #3BC4AB
RGB: 59 | 196 | 171

Token: $nebula-color-stem-500
Hex: #2F9D89
RGB: 47 | 157 | 137

Token: $nebula-color-stem-600
Hex: #174F45
RGB: 23 | 79 | 69

STEM Teal- Primary

One teal is “pulled out” from the larger spectrum of primary colors available to use. This teal represents what we want our user to “think of” when they think of STEM.

Token: $nebula-color-stem-secondary-200
Hex: #D6C31D
RGB: 214 | 195 | 29

Token: $nebula-color-math-secondary-300
Hex: #AC9D15
RGB: 172 | 157 | 21

Token: $nebula-color-stem-secondary-100
Hex: #FFE926
RGB: 255 | 233 | 38

STEM Secondary

The STEM Secondary color palette should make up around 30% of any layout you are working on for STEM related subject matter.

STEM Gradients

The three STEM Gradients represent the STEM Primary, Primary and Secondary combined, and Secondary color palettes. They come in both computer-generated gradient and hand painted textures.

STEM Gradient 1




STEM Gradient 2




STEM Gradient 3




STEM Illustration

The STEM teal is used in the above illustration. This example comes from a Hands On Activity lesson for designing a water filter.

STEM Icons

The above icons for Video, Read Together, Interactive Game, and Hands on Activity illustrate a lesson type and pick up the STEM teals.

Examples of STEM Colors in Product:

English Language Arts

The subject matter of ELA is represented primarily by a yellow color palette. The secondary colors for ELA are a set of periwinkle blues.
Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant yellow of Primary 500 in our graphic design as the main color to represent Teach!, but for accessibility of text and CTA’s we often fall back on Primary 600.
This same color palette is used for any materials having to do with Professional Learning, or for teachers and students learning how to use Discovery Education’s products.

Token: $nebula-color-teach-primary-100
Hex: #FFFAE0
RGB: 255 | 250 | 224

Token: $nebula-color-teach-primary-200
Hex: #FFF2AD
RGB: 255 | 242 | 173

Token: $nebula-color-teach-primary-300
Hex: #FFEA7A
RGB: 255 | 234 | 122

Token: $nebula-color-teach-primary-400
Hex: #FFE247
RGB: 255 | 226 | 71

Token: $nebula-color-teach-primary-500
Hex: #FFDA15
RGB: 255 | 218 | 21

Token: $nebula-color-teach-primary-600
Hex: #AD9200
RGB: 173 | 146 | 0

Teach!- Primary

One yellow is “pulled out” from the larger spectrum of primary colors available to use. This yellow represents what we want our user to “think of” when they think of learning about DE materials.

Token: $nebula-color-teach-secondary-200
Hex: #577CFE
RGB: 87 | 124 | 254

Token: $nebula-color-teach-secondary-300
Hex: #4830DD
RGB: 72 | 48 | 221

Token: $nebula-color-teach-secondary-100
Hex: #89A3FF
RGB: 137 | 163 | 255

Teach! Secondary

The Teach! Secondary color palette should make up around 30% of any layout you are working on for Teach! related subject matter.

Teach! Gradients

The three Teach! Gradients represent the Teach! Primary, Primary and Secondary combined, and Secondary color palettes. They come in both computer-generated gradient and hand painted textures.

Teach! Gradient 1




Teach! Gradient 2




Science Gradient 3




Teach! Themed Card

This card from the DE Platform uses the Teach! Gradient 1 as a background on the thumbnail. This lesson teaches students how to use our in-house tool, Studio, to create presentations. The Teach! color theme is appropriate here.

Teach! Icons and Assets

Here, a Play button and a “Product Tile” for a Professional Learning product use the Teach! color palette.

Examples of Teach! Colors in Product:


Health is a color palette created for any materials having to do with physical and mental health, including Social Emotional Learning. It is represented primarily by a plum color palette. The secondary colors for Health are a set of oranges.
Whenever possible, we use the most vibrant plum of Primary 500 in our graphic design as the main color to represent Health, but for accessibility of text and CTA’s we must fall back on Primary 500.

Token: $nebula-color-health-primary-100
Hex: #E1B7CF
RGB: 225 | 183 | 207

Token: $nebula-color-health-primary-200
Hex: #D194B6
RGB: 209 | 148 | 182

Token: $nebula-color-health-primary-300
Hex: #C2709E
RGB: 194 | 1112 | 158

Token: $nebula-color-health-primary-400
Hex: #B34C86
RGB: 179 | 76 | 134

Token: $nebula-color-health-primary-500
Hex: #8F3D6B
RGB: 143 | 61 | 107

Token: $nebula-color-health-primary-600
Hex: #6B2E50
RGB: 107 | 46 | 80

Health Plum- Primary

One plum is “pulled out” from the larger spectrum of primary colors available to use. This plum represents what we want our user to “think of” when they think of Health.

Token: $nebula-color-health-secondary-200
Hex: #FFB41D
RGB: 255 | 180 | 29

Token: $nebula-color-health-secondary-300
Hex: #EA7911
RGB: 234 | 121 | 17

Token: $nebula-color-health-secondary-100
Hex: #FFD994
RGB: 255 | 217 | 148

Health Secondary

The Health Secondary color palette should make up around 30% of any layout you are working on for Health related subject matter.

Health Gradients

The three Health Gradients represent the Health Primary, Primary and Secondary combined, and Secondary color palettes. They come in both computer-generated gradient and hand painted textures.

Health Gradient 1




Health Gradient 2




Health Gradient 3




Preview Thumbnails

In the above example you can see Health Gradient 1 used in the background shape on a lesson card thumbnail.

Health Color Examples

Curriculum Tiles live on the homepage of our platform and lead to each separate product. Here are the plum Health and Relationships tile and primary- and secondary-colored ideograms.

Examples of Health Colors in Product: